Monday, September 16, 2013

As the Belly Grows....Part 6

Week 36

I know my back is arched kind of funny, but that is about the only way I can stand anymore.

At my 35 Week appointment I measured 42.5 cm.  My belly is getting bigger and bigger.

Today I had another ultrasound.  The babies both looked great, but no measurements so I only have them from last week which were 5 lbs. 3 oz. for Baby A and 4 lbs. 6 oz. for Baby B.  I'm sure they have put on some weight since then.  Today I weighted 168 pounds, same as last Monday.  The only new thing about today is that I am currently dilated to 3 cm and 25% effaced. That's usually where I am after 10 hours of labor.  This should be an interesting labor and delivery. 

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