Sunday, April 20, 2014

Eggs of Many Colors

It's that time of year again.  The time of year when my blood pressure rises and the kids have a blast.  Dying eggs on Holy Saturday is one of my favorite memories from my childhood.  Some of my more treasured Holy Saturdays were the ones spent at Papa and Grandma Bestgen's house dying eggs with my cousin Kristi.  I do believe that Grandma and Aunt Mary had to be some of the most patient people because I never recall them every getting frustrated with us.  I, on the other hand, am constantly worried about spilled dye and cracked eggs.  This is called funny stress, right?
 Cute kids making some cute eggs!
 No-spill egg coloring bowls especially for Gianna.
 Stressful moment for Mom when Brech decides to take out his egg.  I decided it would be better if I just took a picture instead of reacting like I normally would.
Tie dye egg time!  We actually had a great time experimenting with colors. 
 This was Brech's prized egg that was quickly dipped in just about every color.
 Blase was amazed at the no-spill egg bowls.  "What they won't think of next?!"
 The first "eyeball" egg of the night.
 The second "eyeball" egg of the night.
 Blase and I thought that the egg I decorated looked awesome with the 3-D glasses on.
 Blase's tri-colored egg.
The traditional "dump all the dye in one bowl" egg.  We had enough dye this year that I had to use one of my pots.  Umm, we now have a pink dyed pot for making soup in.  Here's hoping a good soak will take the color off.

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