Sunday, June 11, 2017

Busy Day

On the 31st of May we had a busy day.  Well, the guys had a busy day.  I just stood around taking pictures.  That's what I'm good at on days like this.

They are subleasing some land on the reservation.  This was day the pairs were headed to summer pasture.  We got the pairs into the corral early in the day and the men sorted who was staying home and who was spending the summer on the reservation.
 The trucks hauled them away about lunch time.

 This was my one and only ever fencing job a month ago.  I walked over to see if it was still together and decided to show off my horrible fencing abilities.  I was motivated as the yearling wanted my garden for a snack.  I'm pretty sure this poor excuse for a fence repair was superior to the other option - which was a bb pelleted yearling.
 We had a delivery not too long after the cows were hauled off.  Mike bought a new-to-the-place tractor.  I'll have to post a picture of why a new tractor was needed.

 Darren finally has something big enough to pull our no-till drill with.
He's actually finishing up the last of the maintenance on it today.  Should be ready to try out this week sometime.

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