Sunday, May 28, 2017

An After Midnight Tale

An After Midnight Tale
 Karen as the "Scaredy Cat"
a cat 
a puppy named Rogue

Our tale starts at 1:30 AM.  Karen sees that the sky is beautiful that night.  The stars were bright and not a cloud in sight.  She decided that she is going to go outside to take a picture or two or three of the night sky.  Karen is brave because what you don't know is that the yard light is out.  It is pitch black outside.  She takes her phone and uses the flashlight to see her way out onto the gravel road in front of the house.  It's not too far away, but far enough in the pitch black.

Karen is amazed at the beauty in the sky.  She has always been a star-gazer and loves everything about a clear, bright night.  Here is a picture of the sky.
 Well, that was an epic failure.

Let's try again.
Ohhh, look there is something showing up.  It isn't anything like what the sky looks like, but at least it is light in the darkness.

Try again.
Well, poop.  Seriously disappointing.  

Who was she kidding anyway.  It's a cheap camera that probably won't catch the sky in its full beauty anyway.  What was that?

Seriously, what was that sound?

Oh, no - the wolf is coming to get Karen.

(Cue scary music played during chases/hunts in spooky movies.)

(Cue the close up shot of Karen running very fast in the dark.  She's too scared to turn the flashlight on her phone on.)

(Cue dramatic look over her shoulder.)

Our brave Karen has made it to her garage.  Wait, she's going back out???  WHY in all that is holy are you going back out there????

(Cue more scary music.)

ROGUE!!!  ROGUE!!!  Where are you puppy???!!!!

Karen turns on the flashlight and scans the horizon.  EYES!!!  Eyes by the shop.  Oh no, it's the wolf.  No, wait....false alarm, it's just the biggest black cat on the place.  Stupid cat.  Can't you see this is a scary movie...go away!!!!

ROGUE!!  Where is that puppy!!???!?!??

(Cue very sleepy puppy stumbling around the corner of the garage with a very not happy look on her face.  You know, if puppies could give you a very not happy look.)

Karen grabs onto Rogue's collar and drags the puppy into the garage.  Phew......

We are all safe.

Well, in hind sight - it was probably just a cow coming for a drink of water.  In the moment it was the wolf that had killed a neighbor's calf just a couple of nights earlier.  This really did happen.  There really was scary music - in my head.  There really was a dramatic look over my shoulder.  

The light is still out.  I'm not sure I'm brave enough to look at the stars at night, by myself, again.


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