Wednesday, June 9, 2010

June Prayers updated

This month's theme is Charity. I am focusing our attention towards practicing charity inside our family. I am a firm believer that you cannot practice true charity outside the home until you have attempted to master it inside the home. I am taking one aspect of charity every other day or so and teaching the boys about it. We are examining ourselves to see if we are practicing or lacking. Yesterday was "Charity with our mouths." They were required to only speak kindly about each other and to refrain from yelling at each other.

Other areas we will work on this month - charity with our minds (think kind things), charity with our hands and feet (helping each other), charity with our hearts (loving each other no matter what), charity in our prayers (praying for each other), charity with our belongings (sharing), and probably a few more days of charity with our mouths.

God's blessings to you all this June!!!

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