Tuesday, July 20, 2010

South Dakota Trip #2

We spent a week in South Dakota preparing for my Bestgen grandparents' 60th wedding anniversary party/reunion that my family hosted. I hardly did anything compared to all the work my parents and brothers and their wives put in. Hire my family if you want something done on time and in good working order.

While we were in SD it happened to be Rex's 4th birthday. He was super excited to have a party at the Mark Park. We were lucky to have his cousins, aunts and uncles and a few extras come for his party. He was spoiled as usual and loved every minute of it.
Rex and his cousin Sarah with his cake.
Cool glasses from Mom and Dad.
He had lots of helpers.
This is what Adam, on the ground, and Dirk do to make their mother freak out a bit! Adam was throwing a screw up to Dirk and Dirk actually caught it. I'm surprised I caught a picture of it.
I was playing tether ball with my sister and hit the knot at the top of the ball. It bruised half my hand. SORE!
Bear Butte - again. Yes I'm fascinated with it. I thought this was neat with the moon coming up over the top. Of course it looks much better in person, but think as beautiful as you can imagine and its more than that!
Bear Butte with a rainbow around it.

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