Thursday, August 5, 2010

Hot and Cold

Two days ago Darren brought home two window A/C units for our house. He installed them before he went to bed and all was well. The next morning he said he would like to see how much of the house they can cool down, so leave them turned near 70 degrees. Let me tell you - THEY WORK! We were all cold most of the day. In fact, I turned them to 75 degrees because Blase was complaining about being too cold. The day before we were sitting in 85 or higher degrees in the house and the next day its 71 degrees. Even last night I was sitting with a blanket because I was cold. Darren finally turned it to 73 for the night, thanks dear!

Here is a great example of the differences between Darren and I. Last night I slept with long sleeves, long sweat pants and two blankets. Darren slept in a tee shirt, shorts and no blankets. Same room, same temperature around us - I was freezing and he was roasting. Typical! Too funny!!

I have to admit though, I am pleased the humidity is gone from the house. It was getting bad. I am missing having the doors open all day and hearing the sounds of nature. I may have to turn the A/C off when the weather cools down a bit, like to 75 degrees. :)

Can't please us...too hot or too cold. No happy medium I guess.


Kateri said...

I'm with ya there. I freeze in air conditioning and my husband loves it!

Anonymous said...

That's funny!

Mauri said...

Peter is always roasting too, while i'm shivering.. he always complains when he gets home from work and the ac is up to 85..