Sunday, May 1, 2011

Easter Sunday Morning

Easter Morning!! We should have been on our way to church if Mommy and Brech weren't so sick. Instead we spent a quiet, peaceful morning at home getting better. We found that lining 5 brothers and 1 sister up for a picture was a chore. They were way too excited about their Easter baskets. And...did you know that the mean ol' Easter bunny decided NOT to hide the colored Easter eggs - so that was just not as fun as previous years.

Blase and his Easter basket. Each boy received some religious gifts as well as kites, Whoopee cushions, crazy straws, a small greenhouse with seeds to plant and of course candy. The Easter bunny was smart and did not give much Easter candy this year.

Stephen's favorite gift was of course the Whoopee cushion!

Cormac has decided he is allergic to chocolate, but he still ate his candy. We all have our priorities and we can't allow something as small as being "ellergic" to chocolate prevent us from enjoying our day.

Rex was very pleased with all of his gifts. He enjoyed everything but the jelly beans. Too bad that Mom and Dad had to help him out with that problem.

Brech is our in-house candy hound. He is a modern day Robin Hood as he steals from the rich (his brothers) to give to the poor (himself). I think next year the Easter bunny should bring carrots and celery instead of M&M's and Runts. Just sayin'...

And them Whoopee cushions...hours and hours of fun for the whole family. Or at least a family of mostly boys. Darren said that he has a whole new appreciation for the Easter bunny. Mom thinks she's lost her marbles. I am now collecting any acceptable replacements for said lost marbles.

Wasn't that a gas?? Heehee, haha, hoho, blah!!
And little sister slept through it all. We would just like to end with an overly used statement - Some Bunny Loves You!

Little sister's wardrobe provided by the Lang Family.

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