Hello all! I have been missing for a good reason. I told my dad not too long ago that if I didn't post every day not to be worried as I was probably just fulfilling my vocation of mom and wife. Its a good thing when my blog does not take priority over my duties. My main duty for the past week have mostly included painting trim. I enjoy painting and after as much trim as I have painted, I'm actually getting pretty good. I am being very nice and painting for Darren because he said he would rather have a root canal on a live root with no pain medication than paint trim. I think he was going a bit overboard - but I'm still trying to help out. This past week has been a great one for our flora and fauna hobbies. I bought some annuals, but still haven't planted them. They will be nice when I finally get around to that. (STOP RAINING PLEASE) In the meantime, my family has been kind enough to pick me some lovely flowers from here, there and everywhere around our yard.
Aren't they beautiful?? If I could I would send them "SPECIAL DELIVERY" to my dear friend Jessica for her birthday today. Happy birthday dear friend!!!
The birds have kept us entertained this week as well. A wonderful woodpecker and finch were visiting us. Ignore the dirty window and the cute stained glass fish in the window.
We were treated to a hawk moth sighting as well. I'm not sure exactly which kind of hawk moth as I did find out there are tons of them. It was very friendly.
Stephen wanted to keep it to see what happens next. Ummm, not in my house kiddo!!

There is nothing quite as pretty as color on the bird feeder. Pesky Blue Jays are taking over, but at least they are easy on the eyes.
Any guesses on what did this?? The boys think BEAR and Darren thinks DEER. Darren fixed them and hung up a trail camera hoping to find out the truth - if it happens again.
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