Sunday, December 28, 2014

A Ten Year Old Cormac

Today Cormac turned 10 wonderful years old.
He had a great start to his birthday with bacon and eggs for breakfast.  Then this afternoon he was blessed to attend Mass.  What a lucky guy.  I told him I thought Grandpa Bestgen would offer his Mass and communion intention for Cormac. That put a smile on his face.
 This even we had pizza in the basement and watched Penguins of Madagascar TV show. All of us laughed and laughed.  Good memories for Cormac and all of us. 

 Star Wars Rebels birthday cake with TEN candles!!
Star Wars dice game from Kiara 
 A card game about airplanes from Brigid.
 Batman helicopter toy from Gianna.
 An amazing Wolverine car from Brech.
 Lego-like jet from Rex.
 Army men Cormac has been eyeballing for months now from Stephen.
 A cool Lego-like tank from Blase.
 Stars Wars toys from Uncle Peter, Aunt Mauri, Bella, Jenna, and Baby.  THANKS!!
 "A Spiderman car just like Loman's!!" He loved it!  
Thanks Grandma, Grandpa, Andrew, Kaylene, and Loman.
 Nerf gun from Mom and Dad.
 A big gun....he can't wait until he can try it out.
What a haul!
Thanks Aunt Courtney for the card and "fun day" gift.
Thank you Uncle Dirk, Aunt Twyla, Shelby, Taylor, and Tory for the card and money.
Thanks to Grandma and Grandpa Gebes for the card and money.
Thanks to Uncle John, Aunt Maria, Lia, and Baby for the birthday card and holy card.

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