Friday, January 11, 2019

Book Club Update #1

I have read 680 pages in 10 days.

I finished Sarah's Keys in hardly any time.  Powerful book full of fiction and non-fiction, sin and goodness.  I'm sure the average person would be almost overwhelmed with the death in the book.  It will touch you down to the very core of your being.  I had to remind myself not to be pissed at French, Germans, and anyone else who killed or helped kill the Jews during WWII.  So much death.  So much pain.  I am rating it (not that you care) a solid 4 stars.  Why not 5 stars?  I think it could have done with less sinfulness in the fiction section.  We are all broken - I get that - but do main characters have to have EVERY vice under the sun to make it a great book?  Not in my opinion.

I also started reading Orthodoxy at this time.  It is hard to digest.  I'm about 48 pages into it I think.  I have read it in bits and pieces so I have a plan of having two books going at the same time.  Even two religious books going is better than one slow book.  So far I've learned who madmen are.  I've met a couple legit madmen according to the description.   

After I finished Sarah's Keys I started reading With God in Russia as my second book to read at a time.  Wow, another powerful and very much true story of a priest who spent twenty-three years in Soviet prisons and Siberian labor camps.  Incredible read!  I can't put it down!!!  I have just under a hundred pages left in this book.  I'm sure it will be getting 5 stars!

What are you reading?  Drop me a note!  I'd love to know!!

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