Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Book Clubs and Accountability

This year I decided I needed to read more and electronic less.  Not an easy challenge.  I read a lot.  Last year I read over 50 books AND I didn't read for two months.  The thing is that I read a lot of nonsense, quick, light reading books. (this doesn't count the books I read out loud to the kids)  This year I decided to challenge myself into reading heavier books.  That requires accountability and a plan.  SO here it is!

My brother, Paul, and I are going to read twelve books this year.  Twelve books of our own choosing but under the idea brackets of the 2019 Reading Challenge of Modern Mrs. Darcy.  Paul agreed to be my accountability partner a little begrudgingly.  It shall be an interesting experience for both of us. 

Here's my reading choices:  

1. A book you've been meaning to read:  The Discerning Parent by Tim & Sue Muldoon

2. A book about a topic that fascinates you: The Backyard Homestead by Carleen Madigan

3. A book in the backlist of a favorite author: The Adventures of Tom Bombadil by J.R.R. Tolkien

4. A book recommended by someone with great taste: Born Only Once by Conrad Baars

5. Three books by the same author: Brothers of Belle Fourche by Kari Trumbo
         **** These books are going to be quick reads like I read a lot of in 2018.  Old habits die hard.

6. A book you choose for the cover: Sarah's Keys by Tatiana de Rosnay

7. A book by an author who is new to you: Child of the South Dakota Frontier by Lenna Kolash

8. A book in translation: Inferno by Dante (shoot me now!)

9. A book outside your (genre) comfort zone: Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury

10. A book published before you were born: Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis

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