Thursday, April 16, 2020

Kitchen Remodel - Day 6

Day six of the kitchen remodel job - now nicknamed "what the beep were we thinking" - was one of the dirtiest days yet.  Darren needed to fix the ceiling where they tore out the soffits. It involved climbing into the attic to push the insulation out of the way.  It also involved taking off boards, adding new boards, and a bunch of insulation all over the place.  

Darren put up a plastic Zip Wall system between the stairs and basement and the living room and kitchen/dining room.  Last night was the first night I was grateful for it.  The kitchen/dining room is as chilly as a walk-in cooler right now.  Now if we were doing this next week when it is suppose to be 60's/70's instead of now when it was snowing and 30's, this wouldn't have been an issue.  I think the plan for Day Seven is to hang the drywall and enclose the ceiling again.  I hope it is the plan.    

We also get our cabinets delivered today (April 16th).  I'm super excited to see them.  Thanks, Dad, for letting us use the trailer to store them in until the kitchen is ready for them.

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