Thursday, January 6, 2011

Husbands are GREAT!

So yesterday I created a minor issue. I was doing laundry, like any good housewife does. It was just like any other load - wet clothes into the dryer, clean out lint, OH NO - ahhh! There was a small fall themed window cling that had not been put away with the others, as it was UNDER some piece of furniture in the basement, sitting next to the vent hole. And OH MAN it fell into the vent and I couldn't get it out. Normally I wouldn't have been too worried. Start the dryer, blow it out - but the dryer wouldn't even start. I was feeling about 2 inches tall, hoping I hadn't ruined it, mentally calculating how much Christmas money I still had left, wishing it was someone else and not me in that situation!

I tried sticking a rope down there with tape on the end thinking it might get stuck on the tape. YAH RIGHT - like something that simple would solve such a problem. Maybe in TV Land?! Then I tried unplugging the dryer, moving the dryer out its spot and vacuuming the exhaust vent in the back. Yet again - NO LUCK! I was at my wits end, not to mention my ever expanding belly kept getting in the way! I was one patience level away from tearing the entire back off the dryer.

Now I have been around my dad when he is fixing things around the house. Its always fine when he's the one who took it apart, but if someone else took it apart - not so fine. I was smart enough to stop before I got too far into making the problem a major one. When Darren came home I batted my best, sweetest eyes at him and admitted I had done something dumb, but tried to fix it. And pointed out that I had not made the problem worse - though I could have.

So he had to take the back off. He had to vacuum the parts off and finally take off the whole vent compartment to get this silly little window cling out. He put it all back together and it worked beautifully!!! Husbands are GREAT!

I took that chance to clean behind the dryer. YUCK! It hadn't been cleaned since the last owners moved out. We moved the washer and dryer in before the movers came with our other things as they were brand new. I suppose Darren didn't think to clean the area before the installers leveled the washer or dryer. I don't even want to look behind the washer! I think it will wait until we remodel that bathroom - if that ever happens!!

Still the fact remains - husbands are GREAT!

1 comment:

Kateri said...

Ah, yes. Husbands are great! Mine is always rescuing me from something. :)