Wednesday, January 5, 2011

January prayers updated

It has taken me some time to locate a prayer to match our theme for this month. We are striving for Fortitude this January. I witnessed many opportunities over the past year to practice Fortitude and am sure there will be many more this year. This is a virtue that I had not touched on with the boys prior to this month, so I am sure it will be a worthwhile investment of our time.

Fortitude. I remember learning about the virtues when I was in my early high school years. I can remember bits and pieces of what my parents said that helped to remember a little about each virtue and the parts about Fortitude always come back to "fort". Forts are strong (or should be) and they keep us safe from danger. I am using that example for my boys. What boy doesn't like forts and fighting bad guys? :)

I simplified Fortitude for the boys by saying it is the courage to do what is right, no matter what. We are always presented with chances to choose right or wrong. We all have that one weakness (Facebook games, pop or liqueur instead of water, eating too much, etc.) which slowly takes over our lives and presents problems in other areas. Maybe it affects our productivity or our health. Maybe it makes us less patience or more selfish. We need to have the courage to say "NO, I will do the right thing!" and that why I am focusing on Fortitude for January. What a beautiful way to start a new year with the courage to say NO to the things that drag us down.

You will notice in our new prayer that we are also praying for wisdom. I suppose courage and wisdom do go hand in hand. You can have false courage and warp Fortitude's definition for your own needs. You can stand up for something - but it may be the wrong something. You can speak your mind - but it may be the wrong timing or the wrong words. This is where wisdom helps you determine what courage (Fortitude) truly is. Both Wisdom and Fortitude are among the seven gifts of the Holy Ghost that we receive during the sacrament of Confirmation. God, in His wisdom, knew that we would abuse Fortitude without Wisdom. Fortitude goes much deeper and covers more avenues than I am mentioning - but for little boys this is more than enough!

This month I hope you will find the Fortitude to do what is right and the Wisdom to know what that is. May you grow in grace and show the world who you truly are - a child of God. I pray people will look at you and say, with admiration, "They belong to God no matter what!" May your good example touch the hearts of those in need of God and the those who need a reminder of what being a child of God truly involves! God bless you!!

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