Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Master Bedroom

I will admit right off the bat - these pictures do NOT do Darren's work justice. I just noticed my camera must have gotten little boy finger prints all over the lens. *deep breathe* I shouldn't be surprised - have you SEEN my windows lately?? :)
Here is a picture of the door, my dresser and the closet doors.
And finally the "finger printed" walls. The line down the middle of the wall is a reflection from the closet doors. Well, let's just say that's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Darren installed new ceiling tiles and a lovely crown molding all around the top. It sure makes the room feel different. Its almost like its an important place. The paint on the wall is called "Baked Beans" and the trim is a creamy color, although it does appear white in the pictures. We haven't hung up the rest of the pictures we intend to. I also have requested three corner shelves. I am hoping Darren has enough barn wood left to make them for me. We are also having two black and white pictures framed of a building out on the ranch. He made them frames out of the barn wood, so I thought it would look very nice to match the shelves if possible. I will post more pictures as we finish decorating. There might even be a buck mount in here, so I hear. But that's HIS story and he's sticking to it. :)


Mauri said...

looks good! really like the color and the molding!

Kateri said...

It looks really nice. I recently informed my husband that when he gets back to work and we have more money I am going to paint the house whether he likes it or not. :)

Anonymous said...

Very nice! I love the color.