Sunday, December 23, 2012

Just Another Day

We survived the Mayan, ha ha, end of the world.  How did you fare??  Life went on as normal around here.  The kids fought, like normal.  There was dirty dishes and laundry to do, like normal.  I watched a movie on my computer while I folded clothes, like normal.  We said prayers, like normal.  It was just like any other day.

So my dust-proof, freeze-proof, everything-proof camera took crappy pictures so we took it back.  I am now the owner of a Nikon CoolPix L610 that takes much better pictures.  Its not orange, which is a disappointment, but at least it is functional.

Upon further inspection, the window was an easy fix and only cost $8 for the glass instead of $150 for a new setup.  I still think the boys should still owe their dad 10 hours each hard labor.  Darren told Stephen he still owes him an hour and a half.  Stephen, being Stephen as only Stephen can be, offered to just pay him the $8 and save himself the hard labor.  Not an option sonny!!

 We added some window decorations.  A cute nativity scene downstairs...
and a Christmas tree complete with presents and candy canes upstairs in the school room.

We wrapped presents.  We made our Christmas meal plans (if you want to come we are having pasties for the adults and hot dogs, baked beans, and macaroni and cheese for the kids).  I caught up on some mending projects and managed to sew Gianna two dresses from leftover material and tee-shirts.  I guess we are having a somewhat productive weekend.

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