Sunday, December 2, 2012

21 Shots Anyone?

We are bound by time.  We go through our lives waiting for the sun to rise and then to set.  We count the days until we can turn the calendar page.  We celebrate the holidays and (for the most part) patiently wait for the next reason to celebrate.  As normal people, we like the fact that these things happen again and again.

Birthdays are usually big deals.  There are a few extra special ones we look forward to, like our first birthday, when we become teenagers, when we can vote, and when we can legally consume alcohol.  Today would have been my brother Mark's 21st birthday.  If his birthday was anything like the rest of his siblings he would have been escorted to the bar by family and friends.  Round after round would have been bought and consumed.  Knowing Mark he would have tried it all and had a blast.

Mark is no longer bound by our time.  He grows no older.  He has no use for a 21st birthday bash.  He is the fortunate one today.  Unfortunately, when I consider his 21st birthday and a little pain enters my heart. I am still bound by this silly concept of time and special celebrations.  I know that on Grandma Bestgen's birthday I will not grieve as much as I do on Mark's birthday.  This is because Grandma led a long, beautiful life.  In our minds, Mark has missed out on life.  This would be one of those days that memories would have been made and those stories tucked away for harassment purposes.

We are bound by time.  Sometimes we wish we weren't.

Since Mark can't take 21 shots (who wants to anyway!?) and since I can't take 21 shots (laugh all you want!), I thought I would offer 21 toasts to my brother....

So grab a drink!!!  Pregnant women and those with a religious exempt are excluded, but the rest of you better lift a shot of something (yes, that day old coffee works)!!

1. Here's to Mark Earl Bestgen - beloved son to two of the best parents ever!
2. Here's to the most caring and devoted grandson anyone could ask for!
3. Here's to the brother of many!
4. Here's to an uncle of the sweetest nieces and nephews!
5. He was a great and valued friend!
6. He was a treasured nephew!
7. His job at the sod farm was crucial to its success at the time - to this day he is still needed!
8. Here's to the guy that waded into a flooded creek up to his waist to save the sod farm pallets from ruin!
9. Here's to the guy that trouble found, no matter how he avoided it!
10. A nod to his dedication to serving on God's altar!
11. A another to he singing in the choir when he wasn't serving!
12. No one showed such kindness!
13. No one practiced such charity as Mark did!
14. Here's to the projects his creativity inspired!
15. Here's a super toast to his smile, freely given to all!
16. Here's to his selflessness that especially came out at camp one year!
17. Here's to camo - 'nuff said!
18. To his energy for life!
19. To his love for volleyball!
20.  Here's to his tenderness for the young, old, and everyone in between!
21. And finally - here's to wonderful and great man you would be today!

Sniff, sniff

I've cried three times today.  I guess I don't even know why I cried.  I think its because I'm bound to this silly concept of time.  I haven't celebrated the 21st birthdays of my other siblings, but for just one more minute with Mark I would drive down to South Dakota and celebrate with him if I could.  Silly, ain't it?

Happy Birthday taller, little brother!  May God bless us!

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