Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Busy Bees

We have been busy here working on something exciting for the blog. Well - at least we think it is exciting. I'm not sure when we will post it as it is still "in the works". Stay tuned!

Last night Brech Earl and I went shopping for clothes for Gianna. She has outgrown her 6 month clothes, but is too little for any 12 month clothes. We had only two 9 month outfits. I was so excited that I finally got to go shopping for my little girl. I bought a handful of cute dresses and a couple pants sets.

We had company on Saturday afternoon. We re-met a family that we knew in Wisconsin about 5 years ago. Their kids and our kids seemed to get along well so I am hoping we will see them again. They brought us a house warming goodie bag full of cookies and the best bars I have tasted in a long time.

I had cleaned the house on Saturday morning for the company - but looking at the house now you'd think I hadn't cleaned in a couple of months. How can 5 boys and 1 girl make such a mess so fast??? Sigh.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Snow Forts and More Flowers

Today's PE was a healthy dose of sunshine, mixed with the right amount of snow, combined with energy from 4 strong young men. All of that equals lots of fun!!

One snow fort start....

Two snow forts started....

I see a snowball fight in the near future!!!

Darren came home with another batch of beautiful yellow roses.

This time I could see and smell them!

Lullaby Part Three

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Lullaby - Part One

I have a special lullaby for each of the kids. The kids love the fact that they each have "their" song. I thought you would like to hear their songs as well. I am NOT singing and you should count that as a blessing! Enjoy Part One, Brech and Gianna's lullaby.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Snow and Toe

Gianna modeling her new snowsuit from Uncle Justin and Aunt Lacy.
It has cute ears, a little "tail" and paw prints on the feet.
The three younger boys were enjoying the new snow. We all shoveled the driveway tonight. It was actually a lot of fun. There were also a few snowball fights mixed in for good measure.
This is the type of picture my camera was taking tonight on the "night" setting. It almost looks like the kids are ghosts. Strange camera!
The boys had a great time running down the driveway and jumping into the piles of snow. They also made some adorable snow angels. Brech Earl spent most of his evening eating as much snow as possible. He was in heaven.
Gianna wasn't too sure of the cold and breeze, but enjoyed watching her brothers play. It was a bit too cold to put her down and let her mess around in the snow with them.
I just love cute little red noses!
Blase was in the house throughout this entire ordeal. He did get his stitches out this afternoon, so there will be NO more excuses to get out of work. I think he's glad to be rid of them.


This won't be your typical blog post. Most blogs you read, including mine, paint a fairly good picture of life. You have your birthday parties, your happy smiles, your good times. I have seen posts about sad things like death and sickness. I don't remember reading that many blog posts about the bad times. For some reason people don't want to talk about their bad times. Considering every blog post becomes a record for all to see - I can understand why most don't want to talk about anything questionable or bad.

I am going to talk about something sad, bad, and happy. I don't want to pick on anyone, I don't want to make anyone mad, and I don't want to sugar coat it. I simply want to show you that I am not perfect and that this family is not perfect. I also want to show you that I am willing to share with you the good, the bad, and the ugly. And hopefully, after this post, I will start sleeping again because I'm not thinking about it anymore.

I snapped over Christmas. My pot finally boiled over and years of pent up frustrations came out. It wasn't that bad, but it wasn't that good either and when I needed it, someone hugged me. This all started because its hard to visit family in South Dakota. Bringing this many kids that far is a challenge all in itself. Finding room for us without imposing on people is also a challenge. Both families have been very gracious hosts in that regard. What never seems to heal, though, is my broken heart.

I get tired of hearing people yell at my kids. I get tired of them getting in trouble for touching this and that. I get frustrated when they won't listen right away. It eats at me. It hurts me. My kids don't deserve to visit a place they love and get hounded about what they can't do right. My kids aren't perfect. I know this. I am trying to work on all their tendencies that irritate others and myself. Over Christmas I had enough of all these years of my kids not doing things the way everyone else thinks they should. I snapped. I'm sorry to those who were in the line of fire, mostly my kids. It was then that I realized something huge. I'm a failure.

I have failed my kids and husband. I have failed to be the kind of mom and wife they need. For weeks now I have looked and all I have seen is failure. The way the kids respond to me, failure. The way I respond to them, failure. The way they are towards each other, failure. FAILURE! The way the kids complain about school and hate everything about it, failure. The way I am still trying to put this house into some type of order, failure. The way I feel some when I should be praying but I'm not, failure. The way I resisted going to confession, failure. Fail....failure.

Inside of me a battle raged. I'm sure people who were around me had no idea. I wasn't hiding anything or putting on a good show - it was just all inside of me. These feelings of failure and this battle inside of me were all bottled up. There were nights when I would cry and cry because the battle hurt me. My soul begged for me to ask for forgiveness and yet I resisted. I just kept dying inside. I just kept hurting inside. I just kept it all inside.

One night when I figured my only option was to give up, and during a particularly good cry, Someone spoke to me. God began to comfort me. I kept hearing God tell me "Keep dying. I am here with you. When you have completely died to yourself and your ideas, I will take your starving, empty soul and fill it up with My love. I will take your hurting, broken heart and heal it. I will take the shattered pieces of your life and mold them into what I want for you. Let the pride die, let the anger die, let your feelings of inadequacy die. I will make you whole." Oh how I cried and cried after that.

I went to confession this weekend. I can't say it was one of those mountain moving, faith exploding inside of you moments. It was just like most of the confessions I have had. Later that night, as I was trying to sleep, I cried again. I felt like I had made the first step to becoming whole again. I felt like God was saying to me "I am here with you." I know I still have battles inside of me to fight, more pride to let die, and lots of damage to repair. I cry sad tears for the pain I caused others. I cry sad tears for pain my children have felt. I cry happy tears because I know it will get better. I cry happy tears because I know, broken hearted or not, I still have my family and there is nothing more precious on this earth to me than those kids and their dad.

Its amazing how all it takes is a hug from the right person at the right time to turn your life around. Thanks Dad.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Money for the Poor

My favorite memory of the day is Brech Earl tapping me on the shoulder. I turned around to find Brech with Blase's magician's hat in his hand. He sweetly asks me "Money for the poor?" What a sweetie pie.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Today - we did math for breakfast.
Today - some were hard and some were melted all over.
Today - Rex got his right.
Today - Stephen thought it was going to be bad, but realized it tasted good in the end.
Today - a little girl was all smiles.
Today - she was also a bit of a goof.
Today - a young man fed his sea monkeys for the first time.
Today - he's sure these are the best pets ever.
Today - someone watched a movie with his sister.
Today - I recalled some good memories watching Bugs Bunny with my own siblings.
Today - we saw some ugly stitches for the first time.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Our Young Mozart

Serious business. All on his own. My best memory of the day. Priceless.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Big Toe

Blase had surgery on his big toe today.
See how there is a bump there? See how its curving his big toe toward the other toes?
There was an extra bone in there. I'm not sure of the particulars on the bone. It appears to be a normal bone, but they sent it in to test for cancer.
All done and wrapped up for protection.
Blase called Grandma to tell her all about it. As of tonight he says its starting to hurt some. I am sure it is because he wouldn't sit down for more than 15 minutes at a time. I threatened to duct tape him to a chair if he didn't just STAY sitting. Poor guy. He was probably restless after being at the hospital this morning. Personally, I would be milking it and sleeping all afternoon.

He has a follow up appointment on Tuesday.

Chapter 6

When I write my memoirs I will start out Chapter 6 by recalling the January 12th night of the year 2012. That is the night that the temp. decided to fall to -6. That is also the night that our furnace would not work properly. It was a cold night. We bundled up, put on the long underwear, and cuddled a bit closer. Thankfully around 11 PM the furnace started to work again. We have dual heating for off peak/on peak times. I was very grateful to the electric company after 11 PM. As for the furnace not working - I am hoping we have someone come in to fix that in the near future. I'm not sure I want to rely on the goodness of the electric company.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Can You See Them?

Can you see them?

They are right there.

Nope, I can't see them either.

My wonderful husband comes home tonight with his hand "holding" a beautiful bouquet of flowers. The only problem is that there is not a single flower to be seen. HUH? He said he wanted to bring me home a bouquet of flowers, but he looked all over Wal-mart and couldn't find any. He said that his "bouquet" of flowers was much nicer since I could imagine them whatever color I wanted and however beautiful I could come up with. They were a nice bunch of yellow roses, my favorite. The smell filled the whole room. I loved them.

If that wasn't enough my sweet, wonderful husband mopped the kitchen floor for me while I was taking a much needed night off. He mopped away while I was in the bathtub with a good book I received in the mail today. Ain't he something?!

Nights like this are what successful, lifetime marriages are built on.

Can you see it?

Its my smile.

Gebes Family Christmas Pictures

We are all dressed up for Midnight Mass.
Grandpa and Grandma Gebes with their grandkids.
Darren with his parents and siblings.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


I started sewing quilts/blankets back in 2004. It was mostly to keep myself busy. I only had two kids then and I had so much more free time. Here are the blankets that I remembered to take pictures of before I gave them away.
Kaylene's blanket with a little pillow and pillowcase.
Loman's baby blanket. I cheated on this one and just put a backing on it and quilted along the pattern. I didn't put much effort into this one.
Andrew's blanket with matching curtains and a pillowcase. He is 14 years old and has requested I make him another blanket that is longer and actually fits him.
Juliana's blanket with matching curtains and a pillowcase.
Luke's graduation quilt. I made a to scale version of the sod farm at that point. There are different fabrics for different types of sod and at the different growth stages. The only thing missing was the buildings. I am not quite that good.
My favorite blanket even though its pink. I think it turned out very well. Its a Strawberry Shortcake themed one for a dear friend's baby. That little girl is now a big girl in Kindergarten. My, how time has flown!
another baby blanket
An insect themed blanket.
Another one of my favorite blankets. I must like the way pink looks for others?
John's graduation blanket with pictures of him growing up. I also used material from an old sod farm shirt, one of his baby outfits, a square from a quilt his great-grandma made, a shirt our mother wore when she was pregnant with him, and a red shirt that he wrecked his motorcycle on. I made this quilt in the form of a crazy quilt. I'm not sure if it looks as good as the memories it contains. Either way he enjoyed it and that's all that matters.
Mauri's graduation quilt was made from her friends sending me quilt blocks with their signatures. I also included some treasured pictures and embroidered flowers based on the Catholic Girl's Guide by Fr. Lovasik.
This is the most recent quilt I made. If you recall, I gave this one to Rex for Christmas 2 years ago. I just LOVE Dr. Seuss. I wish I had made it a bit bigger, but I only had so much material to work with. Maybe someday I will add onto his quilt and make it a size larger.

One of these times I will post some pictures of cross stitch projects I have completed. I know I do not have pictures of all of them, but the ones I do have I will share.