Thursday, January 22, 2015

A Week Later Weak Knee Update

It's been a week since the surgery.  I've hobbled along with and without the crutches.  It's gone from sore to unbearable back to sore again.  I'm sure this is not going to be a fun recovery.
 It is swollen again.  The physical therapist had a new brace for me to try on today.  It was tight and after I wore it all afternoon my ankle swelled up to nearly "twin pregnancy" size.
 This rectangle/T-shaped bruise is a result of a twinnie throwing a Peterson's Field Guide to Mushrooms at my knee.  She had completed "reading" what she wanted to read and just threw it to the ground.  My knee happened to get in the way I guess.  I had to talk myself through that pain.  Wowsers!!!  She did look somewhat scared and tried to make it better.
I'm not sure I'm going to like putting the brace on and off.  You can see where the outline is on my knee.  I did wear for a quick nap this afternoon and it wasn't comfortable.  My plan is to wrap it at night so I don't have to wear the brace.  

The knee is "loose" enough that when I walk it wants to go left and right and buckle inward instead of outward like a bend knee should be.  I'm not confident in its ability to do what I want it to do even just getting into bed and rolling around at night.  Silly knee anyway!!

1 comment:

MiniMozarts said... Did you pray for martyrdom??? Ouch! How are you recovering?