Monday, September 12, 2011

In the Land of the Trolls - Part Two

Although this was considered a living history field trip, we took time to admire God's creatures. This was by far the (start stress) COOLEST (end stress) creature we saw. The boys called it a "bee caterpillar" though we have not looked it up yet.
Would you like to tour the Old Mackinac Point Lighthouse with us?? Come along - that will be $6 for adults, $4 for children 5 and over; payable in cash. Thanks. ha ha If you would like the free tour feel free to visit the link above. You will most likely learn more from them than from us.
This is the lens from the lighthouse before it was retired. The lighthouse flashed a red light. We learned that there were different patterns and colors of lights flashed to distinguish between the different lighthouses in the area.
Stretch those arms!!
This was a next hands on magnetic board that the kids could use the boats to transport material from one "port" to another. Rex was hauling Christmas trees and presents for the little kids.
This was taken at the very TOP of the lighthouse. Yes I know, I'm freaked out by heights and yet I took my children to the top???
Way, way down there we see someone we know. They also saw us way, way up high. The tour guide was nice enough to point out that there was a man with a red hat waving up at someone.
Wasn't the view worth the climb? Beautiful!
Headed back down, one at a time.
There was a room below the room where the lens was kept. This is where the lighthouse keeper or assistant stayed while they were on duty. This was the view from one of the windows.
Cormac taking his sweet ol' time coming down the tower.
Lake Huron in the background.
And home we go...

We got roughly 15 minutes on our side of the bridge before Blase realized that he forgot his cap at the restaurant. So we turn around and pay $3.50 each way to get his cap. What began as a free hat is now worth $7. We figured it was cheaper than buying him a new one. Now I was quite concerned for poor Blase being upset about forgetting his hat. My concern ceased the moment I realized we would have to go back over the bridge and return again. Oh bother.
On the way home we stopped at a roadside park and checked out the Cut River Bridge. What's up with bridges on this trip anyway??
This picture, adorable as it is, was 100% the boys. I told them I'd take their picture and off they ran and posed for me. If only we had thought to put Gianna in the picture. Wouldn't it have made a cute Christmas picture??? I'm still trying to figure out what was with Rex's pose. Pondering that a bit longer....
One side of the bridge....
now the other.
We walked down what seemed to be a never-ending set of steps and landing to the bottom. At the bottom we found a cute little river spilling into Lake Michigan. The boys walked the beach for a bit looking for all kinds of things they were not going to bring home.
They kept walking and turned around and headed back. As it was, they caught up to me in no time. These knees are not the knees of a 32 year old! I am certain they were switched out when I was sleeping. There has to be a 60 year old running around with a younger pair of knees and an energy level to match.

We ended our trip with a stop at Culver's for some yummy custard. After a day like that, bedtime did not come fast enough. This concludes our trip to the Land of the Trolls and home again. I do hope you enjoyed the trip. I also hope your knees are not as worn out as mine.

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