Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Slightly Sick

I had a bit of a cold this morning. As the day has gone on it has gotten worse to the point that now I think its a flu of some sort. The boys were super excited this morning when I told them we were having a sick day. I was in no mood to think about anything but coughing and sleeping.
Here's some of the comments I heard:

"Mom, I'm so glad you are sick." Blase

"Cormac you say Hip Hip." Rex - followed quickly by Cormac saying "Hip Hip" and Rex saying "Hooray!"

"Mom, this is the best day of the week." Stephen

Oh boy. Who knew their mother being sick was a cause for celebration with these boys. They have been good about helping out and staying quiet today. They tried to help with Gianna and even watched her for me for a few minutes so I could lay down without her. Such sweet boys even if they were happy I was sick. If I continue to feel this way tomorrow, I'm sure the happiness will continue.

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