Saturday, March 31, 2012

I'm Not Napping!

The other day I was trying to convince Brech that he needed a nap. He stubbornly insisted he did not. I finally talked him into reading a few books with me. Usually I lay down and nurse Gianna while Brech and I read. Since Gianna has been about 3 months old she has stopped nursing while I read to see the book. I think she enjoys listening to the story and seeing the pictures as much as Brech does.

Well, this particular day reading had some rough, horrible (to a 3 year old) side effects......


Poor Brech Earl took his nap after all. They slept for about 2 hours. Sneaking out of bed with one sleeping kid is easy - sneaking out of bed with two sleeping kids is not easy. Especially when, as you notice in the picture, Gianna sleeps with one hand on the person next to her. This is where little stuffed animals come in handy. You slip out and stick a stuff animal or blanket under her hand and she's fine.

They are so very sweet. I think I fall more in love with babies and little kids as I grow up. Its like you get a glimpse of heaven in their eyes. :-) And experience peace when they sleep!

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