Monday, May 14, 2012

Garden Woes

 We started some seeds.  We watered them faithfully.  We whispered encouraging words.  
We smiled when a few popped through here and there.
 The planting of the garden was somewhat of a family affair this year.
 Everyone did their part.
 Rows were straight and seeds were placed in just the right way.
 The girls did more sitting than working - but Someone had to supervise.
 The boys and their dad worked hard.
Most of the boys that is.

It appeared like we were having a great start to our garden.  Sometimes appearances aren't what they seem.  The plants we started were looking fairly decent.  The tomatoes were a complete waste of time.  We have 3 tomato plants that look pathetic.  The sqaush, pumpkins, and watermelon did GREAT!  They were doing so great that I shared some with my friend.  She will probably laugh after she reads this.  I spent the day at her house on Saturday. While I was gone it got too hot in the greenhouse and baked the plants.  I have one little spaghetti squash plant alive and those 3 pathetic tomato plants look even more pathetic.  I didn't even think that was possible!!  Sigh...sigh...sigh.  Yah, even I am laughing a bit.  All Darren said was "I guess we will try again next year."  In the meantime we will be hitting the local stores for tomatoes, peppers, and possibly zucchini.  I hope we can get a few hills of watermelons and pumpkins started this week.  To add to the trouble - it hasn't rained near as much as anyone would like.  We will need to figure out how to get water to those seeds and SOON.  Always something.  Don't be surprised if I come visiting and take home a couple bushel of tomatoes from your garden this fall.

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