Thursday, January 17, 2013

Did Ya Miss Me?

So I'm back in full force.  Where have I been, you ask.  What have we been up to, you ask.

Short story - laptop fell down. Power button broke.  Sent to Dell to fix.  It is back now.

What have we done since I posted last?  We have done LOTS of things.  Do you think I can recall them?  Not all of them.

We did school.

We cleaned the house.

We lived our lives like we always do.

I did have some "fun."  Darren has been laid off this week.  One morning he asks me what I had planned for the afternoon.  Yes, I know, I should have walked away at that point.  So of course I'm all like "Yah, I got nothing going on. What do you have planned?"  Blow-in insulation.  Sigh.  Ok.

Let me set the backdrop for this play we will call "Karen's a Whimp".

3 PM
13 degrees (or less)
maybe 10 bags of insulation laying around

Karen starts up blower.  Karen fills blower with insulation.  Blower hose blows off.  Insulation all over the porch.  Yuppers, we are off to a good start.  Karen locates clamp, thanks to Blase's help, and places hose back on blower.  Blower still does not work.  Blower hose is plugged.  Yes, still having a wonderful start.

Finally got blower working.  Karen keeps filling blower for almost 3 hours.  Karen's fingers are frozen.  Karen's toes are frozen.  Karen's head is hurting. Karen is trying not to puke thanks to this migraine. Karen is crying because she's a whimp.  Karen did make it through it all.  Vows NEVER to help with blow-in insulation when it is 13 degrees outside and its snowing.  End play with Karen slowly walking into the house to find chocolate.

Aren't you glad you asked what we had been up to.

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