Monday, November 14, 2016

Stephen Makes Good On a Deal

Darren had some friends from Wisconsin come spend a few days hunting pheasants a couple of weeks ago.  John made us the most amazing pancakes - his somewhat secret recipe.  Stephen was sure he needed that recipe so a deal was made.  In exchange for the recipe Stephen would clean the birds they shot that day.  Stephen was hesitant to fulfill his end of the bargain, but in the end he was a trooper and a man of his word.

 See the white paper up on the rack by the window?
That's the recipe.  Ha ha
 The smell was disgusting at best.  In the name of a good blog post I suffered through.  A good reminder why I do not hunt - I don't like to clean the kill.

 Cormac, Brech, and Gianna had swept the shop and left piles earlier that day.
Brigid and Kiara undid all their work.
They had fun though.  That's all that matters.  Right??

 Way to go, Stephen.
 Congratulations on a job well done!  The recipe is yours and yours only.
 John and Deb brought their daughter along.  She and Gianna were good friends almost immediately.
Such great memories to start off our adventure in the area.

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