Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Friends and Fishing

Still playing catch up with posts here - as this can't possibly be now as we have snow and below zero temps.

One of the first things Darren did this summer when Blase and he moved to the ranch was find a friend for Blase.  John is between Stephen and Blase in age.  He is a great kid.  Best part is - he has three younger brothers who are amazing kids too.  Gianna is the only one who hasn't found a friend yet.  She's okay with that.  She just plays with the boys.  We try to get the kids together a couple of Sundays a month.  Either their house or our house.  What a blessing to have friends so soon after moving.  God is good to us.
 I photobombed this, 'cause I can.
 They caught the fishes in the dam down south.
Blase just about died after catching these.

You see, he didn't tie off the stringer. First mistake.  To fix that he jumped into the dam to catch the fish.  Then he came home and changed.  He walked through the house with wet pants and socks on.  I could smell him two rooms away.  Second mistake.  Then he left his soaking shoes in the middle of the pile of shoes.  Third mistake.  He almost paid with his life.  His shoes, caked in mud and stinking like last week's fish guts, sat outside for almost three weeks before I finally washed them THREE times to get all the smell and mud off.  He almost paid with his life.

I fried the fish up that evening and boy did they taste yummy!!  I hope the boys can do some fishing again next year.  Memories like this are precious.  So are friends.

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