Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Trip Routine

Since Darren and I have been married we have made many trips "out west" to visit family. Over the years we have gotten VERY good at packing a lot into a small area. We ran out of room in the van a few kids ago, so now we have to pull a trailer if we are going on a long trip. My job - prepare the goods for travel, Darren's job - load the goods. Here is my usual trip routine...

One day before travel:
  1. Make a list (Stephen made sure that each of the boys were on the list. Can't forget anyone now.)
  2. Wash laundry
  3. Pack clothes
  4. Round up extras I'm taking to Mom's (example - clothes for my little brother, books for school)
  5. Run around like a chicken with its head cut off
  6. Pick up the house
  7. Change diaper
  8. Feed anything and everything to the kids (cleaning out fridge and cupboards is a must!)
  9. Waste time sitting on computer (ummm, ok - yah so I got that one covered!)
  10. Fall into bed trying to remember what it was that I forgot

Day of travel (if we leave after work- otherwise this all has to happen day before)
  1. Wash last load of laundry
  2. Clean house from top to bottom (there is nothing worse than coming home to a messy house)
  3. Mentally go through every box - Did I remember everything?
  4. Check list
  5. Load last minute things (like diapers and juice boxes)
  6. Check list
  7. Run through house making sure everything is picked up
  8. "Did you go to the bathroom? Dad will be home soon!"
  9. Load kids
  10. Oh crud, someone forgot to pee - get them out of the van
  11. Check lights and furnace
  12. Watch Darren check lights and furnace
  13. Check doors
  14. Watch Darren check doors
  15. Trailer brake light check
  16. Answer (for the third time) "When will we be there?" "We haven't even left the yard yet!!!"
  17. Turn on the radio and relax
  18. Drive 15 minutes to town and by McDonalds
  19. "You can't possibly be hungry already!"
  20. Yup, its gonna be a good trip!! Watch out South Dakota - here comes the Gebes tornado, full force and right on target!!!

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