Friday, July 10, 2009

Empty nester now

The sweet Eastern Phoebe's flew away. I was climbing up to take another picture and suddenly I was surrounded by a hurricane of feathers. The mother bird was NOT pleased with me. She flew mighty close to me for a few minutes. She chirped at me like I was Public Enemy #1. You would have thought she would have been used to me by then?! Oh well! I need to find another group of animals to harass I guess. :) Check out the June 21st post for more pictures of the eggs and first ones hatching. Here is a collection of pictures taken after they were born.
June 23rd
June 26th

July 1stEmpty nest - July 3rd


Kateri said...

We discovered yesterday that we have a pheobee family at our new home. The babies had just left nest, but mama and daddy were still around and acting concerned when we were near the babies. How fun to watch yours grow up.

lorenzfam08 said...

My son asked me if the birds ever came back to the nest?