Monday, September 24, 2012

Computer Woes

I bet you thought I hadn't been posting because I was dealing with apples.
(I'm standing on a stool - I am NOT that tall!!)
Well, you are kind of right.  I have been dealing with apples.  So far I've made apple pie filling, apple butter, apple maple jam, applesauce, pickled crab apples, and crab apple jelly.  I haven't gotten through the apples as fast as I had hoped.  We are still doing school during the day so I'm canning in the evening and at night.

That isn't the reason I haven't been posting.  Last week was a rough week for computers at our house.  First the motherboard on our old desktop the boys use for school died and then my laptop wouldn't turn on.  The Dell service tech came to fix the laptop today (it turned out to be a plug-in issue with the cord) and we are shopping for a new school computer.  I have to say it was very odd not having a computer to access.  I did check email and such through my Kindle, but I couldn't reply or post on it.  I am so used to being able to look up a picture for the kids for school or print off a notebooking page.  We did have to change up our normal school schedule because I couldn't print off their school work.  Yikes - maybe I need to get a hard copy of some of these things we use all the time?

I'm back online and ready to post.  We celebrated Brech's 4th birthday over the weekend.  I'll put up some pictures in the next couple of days.  The kids also camped out in the back yard again.  So much happened for a change - and no way to tell you about it.  Typical.  I'll probably go another week before anything blog worthy happens now that I have access again.  :-)

1 comment:

Marcia said...

OH I just love your apron and head covering. I wish I was that stylish when I was in the kitchen! My sweat pants and raggedy t-shirts are embarassing these days...