Saturday, September 15, 2012

How 'Bout Dem Apples

 Some of our friends took us apple picking on Thursday.  All the apples you could pick for free.
 It was a blessing sent from God.  All the boys had a great time picking apples.
 Brech mostly picked an apple and ate it, then picked another apple and ate it.  His bag was not very full by the end of the afternoon.
 Poor Gianna was not feeling well.  I think she must have caught a cold in Michigan.  She has since past it on to Stephen and Blase.  We are feed our bodies with apples and elderberry syrup.
 Apples, apples, and MORE apples.
We didn't pick enough apples to first day, according to the boys.  They convinced Darren to take us back on Friday to pick more apples.  This time we were smart and brought buckets and boxes and an apple picker.
 Stephen was a bit too short to reach those apples.

So how many pounds of apples did we pick??

good guess - try again

another good guess - try again

try again


225 pounds of big apples and 23 pounds of crab apples
How 'bout dem apples!

Off to make applesauce, apple pie filling, apple jam, apple this, apple that, apple every stinkin' thing I can come up with.  The boys are asking to pick more tomorrow.  Sigh.

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