Tuesday, April 18, 2017

3rd Annual Refresh, Refocus, Renew Homeschooling Mom's Retreat

This year's Refresh, Refocus, Renew Retreat was as amazing as the previous years.  I felt moved to tears a few times and became closer to Our Lord throughout the whole weekend.  It could have been so wonderful because it was a trip to North Dakota by myself.  We always have our retreat at Maryvale in Valley City, ND.  The sisters in residence there are beautiful souls.  I enjoy sharing their convent with them for a couple of days.

Our theme this year was Listening with the Ear of Your Heart.  We had put our retreat under the patronage of St. Benedict - as it is written in the Rule of St. Benedict to listen with the ear of your heart.
 Friday evening we started with a talk with I presented on increasing prayer as a family.
 My hour long talk became interactive and lasted closer to two hours.  That's what happens when women start talking.  Ha ha

That evening we gathered in the chapel to pray the Chaplet of St. Benedict.  Then we made either a rosary or a Chaplet of St. Benedict.

Saturday morning we gathered in the chapel for morning Mass with the sisters.  Then breakfast in the library together.  Fellowship time for lots of talking is a must at our retreats.  It is part of how we become refreshed, refocused, and renewed.
 Karla was our substitute "Guardian Angel" for the retreat.  Kristin was busy with sweet Maya at this moment.  Lighting the Christ candle is such a beautiful way to start our retreat. 
 Saturday morning we were blessed to have Fr. Asselin speak to us about listening with the ear of our hearts and how God calls each of us.  He spoke on how God will call us and some examples of what that might look like.  It was very inspirational.  He is such an amazing priest.  His parish is blessed to have him.

 Fr. Asselin blessed our rosaries and chaplets for us.

 The main table (which happens to be our family's altar) was the focal point of the room.
 St. Benedict, pray for us.
 My sister, Mauri, graciously allowed me to bring her relic collection.
 Suzie was the Prayer Leader again this year.  She's such an inspiring, calm mentor for us.  She brings peace with her to our retreats.  The perfect fit for Prayer Leader.

 Sister Dorothy graced us with another talk this year.  She is my favorite speaker, period.  She did an amazing prayer exercise with us that still has me floating closer to heaven.
 We ate supper in the dining room Saturday evening.  They served us a yummy Chinese meal.
We surprised Bernadette with a cupcake for her birthday and a present and card from all of us.  We had to do something since she choose to spend her birthday with us instead of her family.
 Teresa accompanied us as we sang to start the Renew part of our retreat.

We had a lovely time taking turns reading quotes from famous people and saints along with Bible verses.  I am always amazed at the quotes each woman picks.  They say so much about that person and each touches me in some way or another.
 Kristin and Maya - such cute Guardian Angels - taking their turn reading a quote.

 I loved all having all these babies this year!

My buddy who really doesn't like me.  HAHA

Sunday morning we attended Mass again with the sisters.  After we had cleaned up the library and put everything back to "normal" we gathered for lunch at Pizza Corner in Valley City.  Two of my friends from Fargo drove over so I could see them.  I am so blessed by my Fargo friends!!

That evening I stayed at Suzie's house and finally started to catch up on my sleep.  What a faith-filled weekend!  Confession, Mass, friends, grace, and lots of healing happened!

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