Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Easter 2017

Our first Easter in a new house is always interesting.  The Easter bunny has trouble finding hiding places for baskets.  Let's not even get started on places for Easter eggs.  Lucky for us there was no snow on the ground - and there easily could have been.
 Brigid found her Easter basket right away.
 Kiara needed a little help, but it didn't take her long after she was pointed that way.

 Brech had decided he would never find his basket.
It only took thirty seconds more and he found it.
Seriously, kid.

 Gianna was sure hers was NOT in the school room.
Ha ha, it was there right where the Easter bunny left it.

 Rex's was in the pantry.
 Stephen looked here.
And there..... 
 and there....
 OHHH, but Cormac found his there.
 Probably not there, kiddo.
 Try this room again.
Looks like lots of candy, fishing lures, coloring books, and toothbrushes. 
 Wait....someone is missing.
 Oh, I found him.
 I guess when you turn 15 you are too big to find your basket.
 Hummm, where could it be??
Haha, the garbage?
Well, it could be in there. 
 Not there either.
 Tricky Easter Bunny!

 The applesauce bunnies from Aunt Courtney.
She's so creative - and the applesauce was a great change up from candy.
 Looks just like his bunny.

 Thanks, Grandma Gebes for the candy!
 Daddy had to work.  The cows don't take Easter off.
 Getting ready for a quick Easter egg hunt.

 Even Rogue helped - though she's not much of an egg hunter.

 This is what happens when you find out you filled your 18 pack and you can't find anymore eggs.
 Life pretty much ends as we know it.

 These two were having issues finding all the eggs for their 18 pack.
 Working hard....or hardly working?
We did open and close the gate for him.
 OHhhh, the first snake of spring.
 Great lesson for the kids on how snakes can blend in.
 Hummmm, Mom, it is a snake.
No, it's not.
Yes, it is a snake.
I'm sure there is NO snake there.
I can see it.
Run faster then.
Brigid found the LAST hiding egg.  Way to go, girlie!

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