Tuesday, April 18, 2017

What I Have Learned

***You need long underwear when the weather is cold.

***Heifer checks at 2 AM are pointless 80% of the time.

***It is the other 20% that matters, so get up lazy bones.

***Long underwear and coveralls are not enough warmth to convince me to get up in the middle of the night to check heifers when the wind blows and it's snowing.

***I can be up and dressed, on the hill, and check all the heifers before I'm awake enough to realize this was truly pointless.

***When the wind blows and wakes me up I can't fall back to sleep right away.

***Forty-one days of heifers calving is exhausting.

***I am tired enough 20 some nights into calving that I will sleep
as soon as my head hits the pillow - even when the wind is cold.

***Pulling calves is not as fun as I thought it would be.

***I like driving a tractor.

***I'd keep a calf as a pet if it would just stay little and cute!!

***You can check heifers in your pajamas on a warm night.
***Calves do not pose well for selfies.
 Brutus is my favorite.
 ***Calves come in multiple sizes....
 there is ^^^^ Brutus big and ^^^^ Allons-y small.
Allons-y is named after my favorite Doctor Who doctor.  Any guesses which one?

***Milking a cow is painful at first.  

***Milk cows like to talk - or at least the two I've milked like to.

***Moving cow/calf pairs is not for the faint-hearted.

***If you piss off a momma cow she will drop her head, run toward you, bump your butt, lift you in 
the air, and bump your leg below the knee to lift you again before you hit the ground the first time. Phew.  Follow all that?

***Number 530 likes to be with her calf.  See above lesson learned ^^^^^.

***Tractors are not so bad to drive - unless it's muddy.

***Feed wagons are not so bad to pull - unless it's muddy.

***Feed wagons will try to pass you going downhill on a muddy hill.  

***When the last heifer is in active labor it is a wonderful, glorious day that the Lord has blessed!!!

***Your body doesn't get the message that the last heifer calved and will still get up.

I have learned so much in such a short amount of time.

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