Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Gianna's 6th Birthday

Gianna had a wonderful 6th birthday on April 5th.  She invited Grandpa and Grandma Gebes and Aunt Courtney out for a homemade pizza dinner and cake and ice cream.  She was spoiled as usual, but happily shared her toys with her sisters.  She's grown up so much in the last year.  I can't wait to see what this year will be like for her.  She's her daddy's number one helper most days.  She'd rather check cows than do math and sit in a tractor instead of sitting to read to me.  She's not quite as bossy as she has been in past years.  I think the twins have taken over that job.  She's always planning the next sleepover at Grandma's house and begging to play with the dogs.  I think she's a daddy's girl from head to toe!

 She told her Grandma Gebes she wanted a clock for her wall.

Aunt Courtney gives the best IOU a fun day presents ever!! 


 A fishing pole - best. gift. ever.

 Her Grandma Gebes was giving her a bad time about strawberry milk - Grandma doesn't like strawberries anything.

 Thanks, Grandpa and Grandma Bestgen and Loman for the great gifts!

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