Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Colonial Michilimackinac

On October 1st we traveled across the bridge to Lower Michigan.  I am not a fan of the Mackinac Bridge.  I think it has something to do with the fear of water, fear of heights, and general fear of the combination of the two together!!  It doesn't help that I have lovely children who remind me at every moment that we are high above the deep water.  Thanks, kids!

 The view of the fort from on top of the bridge is amazing!

 I'm not sure I would want to be put down in that hole.
 This is the "community" bed the guards slept on while on duty.

The pictures below show the fort as it grew and changed. 

This display gave an idea of what the fort looked like before and what they did to excavate it. 

 This is an example of the priest's cellar.  I'm sure it was a standard example.

 An eight-hole outhouse!!  This was for the enlisted men.  The officer's had a two-holer.
We got to watch a musket firing demonstration. 
 The older gentleman was there when we visited a handful of years ago.

We also watched a mortar demonstration. 

There was a neat little park for the little kids nearby. 

We ended our visit there with a cannon demonstration. 

Colonial Michilimackinac FAVORITES:
Darren - blacksmith shop
Karen - musket firing demo
Blase - cannon
Stephen - blacksmith shop
Cormac - cannon firing
Rex - soldier's barracks
Brech - blacksmith shop
Gianna - the exhibit where the building disappeared
Brigid - park
Kiara - wiggly slide at the park

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