Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Old Mackinac Point Lighthouse

This lighthouse is just a short walk from Colonial Michilimackinac.  It was built in 1892.

I don't have any indoor pictures of the lighthouse.
You can visit this blog post from 2011 that shows adorably small boys 
and a few indoor pictures of the lighthouse.

This is a picture of the older kids and Darren at the very top of the lighthouse.

 This is as close as a family picture at the lighthouse got.  The kids and Darren in the lighthouse and the twins in front.  Oh, they are just so adorable!

Brigid was wondering HOW long it would take for them to come out of the lighthouse while watching the waves on Lake Huron.

Old Mackinac Point Lighthouse FAVORITES:
Darren - the view
Blase - exhibits
Stephen - going to the top of the lighthouse
Cormac - lighthouse
Rex - view from the lighthouse
Brech - railings around the lighthouse
Gianna - yellow stair (to tell you to duck)

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