Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Soo Locks in Sault Ste. Marie

September 30th was my most favoritest, bestest, awesomest day on the whole trip.  I'm a drooling fool for trains and airplanes, but a freak for big ships.  It makes no sense as I am deathly afraid of water and almost just as afraid of heights.  I wouldn't make a good deck hand - but I do enjoy ship watching from ground level.

We visited the Visitor's Center at the Locks before the ships were going to go through.  We watched a movie and played with the displays.  Then we left to eat some lunch before coming back for the treat of the day!!

The Oakglen coming in.

OH Canada....Oh Canada!
This is as close to Canada as we got on our trip.

The next series of pictures shows how the Oakglen rose as the water was let into the lock.  It is easiest to see the different levels if you look at the "OAKGLEN" lettering on the side in comparison to the light post next to it.

As if the Oakglen wasn't enough of a treat - another ship, the BBC Alberta, came in from the other direction.  My day just got so much more exciting!!!

Goodbye Oakglen, Hello BBC Alberta

My favorite part of BBC Alberta.

Stephen is standing in "Canada".  It was the best we could do for him.  Poor kid really wanted to go to Canada.  "Go stand in Canada," I tell him.  He wasn't impressed at first.


Darren - seeing the freighters in the locks
Karen - lifeboat on the BBC Alberta
Blase - seeing the Oakglen raise up so far
Stephen - BBC Alberta
Cormac - lifeboat on BBC Alberta
Rex - BBC Alberta
Brech - BBC Alberta
Gianna - BBC Alberta
Brigid - seagull "talking" to me
Kiara - the big boats

*** Brigid was asking me what the birds were saying so I made up a story of what he/she could have been saying to Brigid.  She was tickled.  Kiara was quite sure birds don't talk.

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