Friday, August 24, 2012

A Watery Mess

Just when I think there was nothing to blog about......

His brothers claim it was Brech Earl's mess. There was a toy boat floating in the sink with the water running and the sink plugged. That sure does sound like Brech, but there are two problems with the story. One - the door was shut, two - the light was off. Brech Earl has YET to shut off a light or shut a door behind himself. I suppose there is a first for everything.
There was standing water on the bathroom floor. 
On the other side of the wall is the bathroom sink. 

 This container was closed under the sink.  It was almost completely full with water.
 Two fans on the bathroom...
and four fans on the stairs.

The carpet cleaner served its purpose today.  After two "back and forth's" the carpet cleaner needed to be emptied.  That was repeated over and over and over and over again.  Four hours later it is still wet.  Sigh.

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