Sunday, September 24, 2017

Castlerock Museum, Fountain City, WI

From the brochure: Come and see authentic arms and armor work and used by Grecians, Romans, Dark Age Warriors, Vikings, Crusader Knights, and Renaissance "Knights in Shining Armor."

This was our amazing find on September 16th. This museum is worth every penny of the admission. Stephen could have moved in long-term.

The truly impressive part of this museum is that it is privately owned. We did meet the owner and he shared some interesting facts about some of the pieces. All artifacts are authentic.

My favorite!!

This is not authentic, but one typically manufactured for movies.
This mace is 500 years old.
The glove is newer, but the armor part is from the 16th Century.
This was not authentic.

Darren- old battle ax
Karen- Scottish claymore
Blase- Roman artifacts 
Stephen- EVERYTHING!!!!
Cormac- holding the hands on stuff
Rex- blacksmith shop
Brech- everything, but swords 
Gianna- horse and knight armies
Brigid- horse
Kiara- horse

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