Saturday, September 30, 2017

Delaware Copper Mine, Copper Harbor, MI

After our visit to Copper Harbor and Fort Wilkins we stopped by the Delaware Copper Mine.  The twins were napping so I stayed in the van.  You just don't wake the sleeping beauties beasts when they are finally napping.  This trip has really messed with their napping schedule.  You'd think with them being four they would have outgrown naps - but not yet!

The Delaware Copper Mine offered self-guided underground tours.  The kids said it was very cold down where they went.  

From the brochure: 
Operating from 1847 until 1887, this authentic, historic mine offers a walking tour that takes 100 feet below ground to explore one of the earliest mines to operate during the country's first major mining boom.  You'll see pure veins of copper exposed in the walls of the mine, along with other geological interests.

 There was a model train that had the kids excited.
 There was also a pet skunk that was the highlight of the tour recap.

 Headed to the mine...

 They had some of the old building ruins roped off for viewing.

Darren - the old stone building ruins
Blase - skunk and ruins
Stephen - old equipment and ruins
Cormac - going down in the mine
Rex - going through the mine
Brech - the little train outside
Gianna - skunk and dog (pets)

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