Friday, August 19, 2011

Just Another Day

Today was just another day. Today I did some laundry, fed some kids, washed some dishes, taught some school, watched a movie, hid out in the basement during a tornado warning (ok, not so much an everyday event), played with the kids, read to my 2 year old before we both took a nap, changed my share of diapers, and tended an overly wet young cat. Just another day. The only thing that stood out today (besides the tornado warning) was our family altar.
A treasured picture, a lit candle, black altar lace, and a few minute meditation on the Agony in the Garden. This morning during our morning offering I picked the Agony in the Garden as our morning decade of the rosary. I explained that sometimes God sends us trials and agonies so that we will turn to Him and ask for help. He in turn sends us graces to grow stronger and closer to heaven. We talked about how God has taken this agony, this trial and given us the graces we need to grow closer to Him. I explained how we must be careful NOT to blame God. I also touched on the fact that it is not God's fault that Mark died. Mark had a free will, just like all of us. If we blame God and turn away from Him, then we will not receive the special graces He WANTS to give us today. Ask and you shall receive. We asked.

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