Thursday, August 11, 2011

Just another Thursday?? Again.

Look who came to visit us last night! Two "homeless" kittens. "PLEASE, Mommy can we keep them? They don't have a home. If they are still here in the morning that means that no one loves them and we can keep them right?" Well, they are still here. As for the keeping them - all in favor say "ME ME ME" at the top of your lungs. All opposed say "I really don't think we need cats in the house or the garage." All in favor say in one voice "PLEASE!" All opposed say "If they stay outside and catch the mice then that's fine, but they are not coming in the house." All in favor scream happy, excited noises. All opposed sigh very loudly and smile very big at the excitement of children.

Two Thursdays ago - swimming and pop all over the floor. It can't get worse right??

This Thursday - swimming and localized torrential downpour followed quickly by breaking clothesline and blankets on the ground. I suppose we will have to start again tomorrow. Sigh.
Mommy needs a break. Little girl needs a buddy. Daddy to the rescue.
Little girl - pissed. Little girl wants Mom. Mom sighs. Mom sighs a lot today. So much for "Daddy's Sweetheart"!! Should have worn "Mommy's Princess".

Stay tuned for next Thursday. I'm sure it will be filled with sighs and a new twist we didn't see coming. Maybe it will involve pop and a clothesline together? Sigh.

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