Friday, August 26, 2011

Beauty All Around

This morning I have looked past the routine and seen the beauty in my family.

I saw:

a dad who takes a few extra minutes to say goodbye to his kids. Who walks back into the house to kiss his wife goodbye. Who waves goodbye every morning to those lined up at the window. Who will come back into the house to hug and kiss the kid(s) who missed saying goodbye the first time. Beautiful!

a young boy hugging his little sister. He kisses her cheek, holds her hand, speaks sweet morning greetings, and wipes up the drool. Beautiful!

a host of brothers playing nice together. Prized Lego ships destroyed so the brothers can use the parts. Designs built, improved, and agreed on by all with no fights. A rare moment indeed! Beautiful!

a baby girl pleased to nurse patiently while her mommy has a wonderful talk with a special aunt. She never fussed and even fell asleep. Beautiful!

children kneeling for morning prayers. Everyone took their turns leading and giving great examples for the others. Beautiful!

I found so much beauty that it warms my heart. Have you seen the beauty in your life today? Have noticed the gifts of this moment?? Look past the piles, ignore the world, and put aside your job for a second - actually LOOK, SEE, HEAR, ENJOY the gifts from God. Thank Him. Love Him.

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