Sunday, December 29, 2013

Christmas 2013

 Our finished Christmas tree waiting for presents.  Gianna would have had opened any present placed under the tree within minutes.  A very lonely Christmas tree on Christmas Eve.
 The nativity scene looked lovely and peaceful for exactly one night.  Gianna really enjoyed rearranging the pieces.  I am sure we are missing one or two people.  She especially liked Baby Jesus and the other baby.
 Eight stockings hung in a row.  I literally finished Brigid and Kiara's just hours before this picture.  Thank you Michelle, for sewing the girls' names on the fabric for me!
 Christmas morning!!  (Notice the grumpy Gianna - this was not the first take.)
 Rex's new pajamas.
 Stephen was bouncing with excitement over the Liberty Kids DVD.
 You have never seen a more excited boy than Blase was when he opened the Stratego game.
 Then Brech opened his movie and we saw even more excitement from him.
 Thank you Godfather Jim and Godmother Michelle!
 The kids in their Christmas finery after Mass.
 Coordinating outfits for the girls.
 Mommy and her little ladies.
Christmas feast with roast beast.  Ok, so it was just a leg of lamb.  It was YUMMY!  Darren was our chef for the day.  He makes a tasty Christmas meal.  I was thinking hot dogs and French fries.  It was a good thing he decided to cook.

Merry Christmas to your family from ours.

If you are still waiting for our Christmas letter, you are not alone.  We are a bit behind this year, but I assume you will all forgive us given how busy our days are lately.

1 comment:

MiniMozarts said...

Karen, you look gorgeous! I l.o.v.e. your hair like that.